Don't miss a moment of the fun! Right now, Wendell is riding in the big brown truck, on his way to his next foster family in Antelope, California. But you don't have to miss out on his adventures. Even more great stories and photos will appear in Wendell's January Waddle-Gram, exclusively for Wendell's Waddle Tour Fan Club (WWTFC) members. And there are still two days left to sign up and receive the very first edition! For a minimum $15 donation directly to House of Puddles or Senior Houndsabound, WWTFC members receive a Pawtographed Glossy Photo of Wendell, an Official Lifetime Membership Certificate (authorized by Wendell himself), a Wallet-Size Membership Card, and a 2008 Wendell's Waddle Tour keepsake (sure to become a collector's item among basset crap aficionados). PLUS members receive Wendell's monthly Waddle-Gram e-newsletter with fun photos and tales not included on his blog.
So sign up NOW to receive the full 12 months of Waddle-Grams... at $15, that's a mere $1.25 a MONTH! What a bargain!! And it ALL goes to support basset rescue! To sign up, visit either of Wendell's Firstgiving pages (you can donate via Paypal or check also -- but all instructions and the all-important sign-up link are included on the Firstgiving pages):
www.firstgiving.com/wendellswaddletour (for HOP) or
www.firstgiving.com/wendellswaddletour2 (for Senior Houndsabound).
Thanks for helping the homeless hounds and supporting one plush pup's waddling dream.
Wendell's travel secretary
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