I long to see the waddling world... to do what no hooman has done before and paw my way to every rescue waddle from coast to coast in 2008.
My New Year's resolution is to waddle my way across America, stopping to meet my fellow hounds and hound-lovers while raising awareness about the plight of homeless hounds. I hope to raise some much-needed funds too -- for my favorite senior rescue organizations, including Senior Houndsabound and House of Puddles.
But I need your help -- would you consider fostering me for a few days so I can achieve my dream? I'm perfectly housebroken, rather compact for a basset (only 16 inches long), and I never shed!
Because my caretaker has a silly thing called a J*O*B, she can't escort me on my travels. So I’m seeking kind dog-lovers who will host me for a few days: show me the sights of their area, taking photos to share with my friends and fans on my blog; introduce me to their family (furry and otherwise); and take me to their local rescue events. And there will be ample time between waddles to see some of the great national sights (fire hydrants, bakeries, grassy spots, etc.) -- so I'll be seeking kind souls to guide me during these non-waddling times as well.
Would you consider being my foster family for a short time and promise to:
- E-mail stories and pix of my travel adventures so they can be uploaded to my travel blog. I’m quite petite for a basset (I weigh only a pound), and I love to ride in the car, so I’m easy to take along to local sights, events and rescue activities.
- Take photos of me (with your family, at your home, in your town, at rescue events) for my blog and fan club newsletters – either e-mailing them to my e-mail (wendellwaddles@gmail.com) or mailing them to one of my trusty helpers who have offered to scan and upload them (all information can be e-mailed to you if needed).
- Send me on my way -- via Priority Mail (approx. $8-$9, unless souvenirs are added to my baggage) -- when my travel agent e-mails with my next foster family’s mailing address. It’s very important that I travel Priority (a houndie can get lost in the mail otherwise) and that I am shepherded on my way when the time is right so I don’t miss any impawtent rescue events.
- Most important: Make a tax-deductible donation of at least $20 to either Senior Houndsabound or House of Puddles. I will be setting up a Firstgiving page, but in the meanwhile, donations can be made: via Paypal directly from either rescue's website: www.seniorhoundsabound.org or www.houseofpuddles.org OR by check (made out directly to the rescue and sent to the address on their respective sites. Whatever method you choose, please be sure to indicate that the donation is for Wendell's Waddle Tour.
- My eternal gratitude and an official “I Waddled with Wendell” keepsake (sure to become collector’s items in the most exclusive basset crap collector circles).
Thank you!
We lubb you Wendall
We want you to waddle with us in the house on wheels the 2000 miles to the Michigan Great American Waddle...will you huh huh will you huh huh plweseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
PS Jassy thinks you are cute
Yur furend
BOb the DOg
Kimmie Sue, Chloe Grace and Lola Claire would love to escort you to the BHRA Hoe Down. What could be better than having a date with three lovely young ladies like us?
We lub you too Wendall!
howard and stanley would love to have you stay at their momslaves house furing the NEBHR's woofstock which is usually in may. we can show you plymouth, massachusetts and other places too....
Flash and I would love to take you to the Basset Buddies Basset Fest in Wisconsin. This is the closest we get to waddling.. we ride in a parade instead.
It's usually in late August, but I'm not sure we have dates yet.
Theo nhận xét của mình thì điều đó chưa đúng, nhất là ở nước mình.
Cho mình hỏi, bên bạn chuyên cung cấp thang may gia dinh 250 kg phải không?
Bên mình cung cấp dich vu van chuyen hang hoa hang hoa thang máy, vận chuyển hàng ra Phú Quốc, van chuyen hang di Sai Gon, van chuyen hang ra Nha Trang, van chuyen hang hoa di Hue, vận chuyển hàng hoá đi Hà Nội giá chất lượng cao.
Đặc biệt nếu bạn có nhu cầu van chuyen hang ra Hai Duong, van chuyen hang hoa di Bac Ninh, vận chuyển hàng ra Hải Phòng, vận chuyển hàng hoá đi Thái Bình thì mình sẽ để giá rẻ nhất cho bạn.
Cảm ơn bạn nhiều nhé.
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