Friday, January 11, 2008

My First Stop -- And I Meet the Mayor!

Hurrah! I arrived in Bassethoundtown today ( -- and what a greeting! The beautiful Emma welcomed me.

I was extremely honored when the Mayor himself said "hello" also. I think he liked me... well, I think so...

but then again... maybe he just thought I'd make a tasty morsel...

No, I think he approved. He offered to give me a formal Bassethoundtown send-off... what a hound! He gets my vote!

I can't wait to see what adventures Chaps and Emma have in store for me before I set off on my boondoggle. A wonderful "foster family" has volunteered to host me for the DooDah Parade ... so my Waddle Tour is about to begin. I'm so excited to begin my adventures.


Cat and Daisy Lynn Rudert said...

Wendell is all tucked in and getting a good night's sleep for his adventure tomorrow. Nighty, Night!

More Later...Cat, Chaps and Emma

Bob said...

Hi Wendall you are so cute

Lubb you
