Thursday, January 10, 2008

Packed and Ready to GO!

I'm packed and ready to travel! It's hard to imagine my journey is about to begin. Today, I'm heading out from my home to Bassethoundtown (, where I'll spend the weekend before officially beginning my adventures. It seemed like the perfect starting point -- Mayor Chaps can give me a proper send-off!

BUT I still need someone to host me for the DooDah Parade in Pasadena on Jan. 20 -- is there no one who can help out a petite plush hound and support senior basset rescue at the same time?? I'm well behaved. I don't shed at all. And I'm fully housebroken (that puddle last week was caused by Mom over-watering the plant -- I swear!).

If you can help a poor, traveling hobo basset... please e-mail me at!

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