I had a great time at the Suncoast Sweetheart Waddle. The weather was beautiful -- sunny and in the upper 70s/lower 80s. Perfection! I want to send big ahrooos of thanks to everyone I met -- and especially to Greg and Robin for showing my such an amazing time. I can't wait til my next big waddle.

Here I am with Ken & Fonzi. Ken is from Suncoast Basset Rescue.

This is me. In a tree!

This is the adoption center and store. Robin and Greg's other foster pup, Charlie, found his forever home here. They had a LOT of basset crap too!

The place was HUGE! And filled with hundreds of hound and their hoomans. I bet there were a bizillion bassets there.

I sure felt safe sittin' with this big guy! I'm just a little guy ya know!
See what happens to bad houndies here? I made sure I was a good pup all day!

I got to see the king and queen! They were very popular!

Look at this sweetie! Her sign said, "I Brake for Love"! I was smitten!

They had a Hot Dog Toss plus a lot of other competitions too -- for Best Barker, Lowest to the Ground, Longest Ears, Best Howler (my foster brudder Andrew, a.k.a. RooRoo, came in a close second on that one!). Greg didn't think I should compete -- cause I'd win them all. So I hung out and watched.
I met SO many famous people... but that will have to wait for another post. Gotta go take a nap now. Waddling is exhausting bizness for a busy basset boy like myself.
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