First, please meet my big brudder, Rudolph. He had to give me a good sniffin' when I arrived. Rudolph is famous -- and loved by many MANY people. He's a poster-hound for heartworm treatment because he found his way to the House of Puddles as a sweet senior afflicted with heartworms (he's completing treatment now -- but it's extra-hard for a senior pup). He wasn't able to stay at HOP, but his momma Marilyn found him the bestest foster family who love him and are helping him deal with his "issues" (he's a big love-bug at heart).

I am also having fun with Penny, my widdle foster sister. She's still a pupster but is a rescued doggie nonetheless. Isn't it amazing to think that such a beautiful basset gal could be abandoned? I think she's pwitty!

Finally, there's Dinnie (a.k.a. Dinworthy) -- and he could really use some drool right now. He's a super-sweet long-haired senior basset whose person died and left him without a forever home. Gail stepped up and took in this sweetie-pie (she already had TWO basset babies to care for but didn't hesitate to help this gorgeous boy). Today, he suffered a stroke, and his family is very worried about him. Please send drool and prayers for sweet Dinny. He's been so kind to me on my visit, and he's a terrific protector and fwend.
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