Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Party Plannin' Pup

I bet most people aren't aware that I'm quite the renaissance hound! I can cook (remember my stint helping with the Mr. Wiggins Woofn Treats?), I love music and I'm quite the party animal. So I was flattered when Stephanie asked me to help plan her birthday celebration over the weekend! I had to make sure it was a real bash! It was a huge honor and responsibility -- and I was determined to make it the BEST birthday EVER!

Stephanie loves Tacos, so we had to put them on the menu!

CHEESE!! I love cheese!! Let's get SEVERAL packages.

But a birthday party wouldn't be a PAWTY without CAKE!

I got a huge piece! It's all chocolate, with chocolate icing and brownie chunks and little baby chocolate kisses! Okay, I know -- dogs can't have chocolate. But I'm a plush pup, so it's okay for me! The pawty was terrific (if I do say so myself). Everyone had a great time, but I think I ate too much cake. Time to nap! Later, I'll share a few pix from my busy day on the farm -- tilling the soil, tending the animals... whew! I've been one busy basset.

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