Thursday, July 17, 2008


Slobberfest is the big basset fundraiser for Droopy Basset Rescue in western Pennsylvania. This was their 9th annual event -- and as always, I had a fabulous time, meeting SO many great hounds and humans.

I like sitting in Auntie Pat's lap to survey activities.
(Auntie Carol does not like her picture taken.)

I pose with Angelika and the Pwincess!

Auntie Marilyn came from Ohio to see me...
okay, to bring Chunkypuppy. Chunky remembers me from the BoardWaddle and Michigan.

Tom Schreck is a famous author...
but I think he should write about me, Wendell!

Auntie Sharon and Pw. Xandy Bear get ready for the hat contest.
I had a word with Pw. Xandy Bear. Both our hats could use a little adjustment.

Uh oh, Babe, Janie and Brie landed in jail!

I paid a visit to the memorial honoring hounds at the bridge. Sniffle. Poor Newmie.

I got to see Pat Wood again! I remember her from the Sweetheart Waddle. She came from Florida, and she also saw Johnny Mathis last night.

What a GRAND day!

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